San Antonio Film Permit Guidelines and Application
The San Antonio Film Commission coordinates all filming and photography on City-owned property, encompassing over 250 parks and facilities including City parks, libraries, the San Antonio Riverwalk, Market Square, and La Villita.
The Film Commission helps filmmakers/photographers connect to film-savvy city services such as street closures, police rentals and fire/safety services in addition to their production database for cast, crew and related businesses.
Before submitting your permit application, please review the following requirements and submit all documentation through FilmApp.
As a film-friendly city, the City of San Antonio's Film/Photography permits are free of charge. Please note the following requirements:
- Request must be submitted at least 10 business days before principal day of filming and/or photography.
- All film/video productions and commercial photography productions are required to submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with the following parameters:
- The City of San Antonio, Film Commission, P.O. Box 839966, San Antonio, TX 78283-3966 listed as an additional insured.
- Coverage must meet the requirements listed here: Insurance Requirements
- Personal-Use photography permits (e.g.: gradution portraits, engagement photos, family photos) are not required to submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI). Please select "Personal-Use Photography" as both the "Production Type" and "Shoot Type" for these requests.
- A Film/Photography permit is NOT required for productions:
- On public property for newsgathering purposes.
- On private property, both residential and commercial.
- A Film/Photography permit is required for any drone film/photography activity that is over city-owned property, including streets and sidewalks.
- A Film/Photography permit does not reserve any location. Productions must contact and arrange with each location; we do not reserve locations on production's behalf.
- La Villita | Reservation Form
- City Parks | Registration & Reservation Form
- If filming/photographing at multiple locations, each location must be listed as a separate "Shoot". Locations may not be grouped together even if they are similiar. For instance, "City of San Antonio Parks" is not an acceptable location. Each park (e.g., Brackenridge Park, Phil Hardberger Park, Milam Park, etc.) must be listed as a separate "Shoot" with corresponding details.
- City-wide or "blanket" permit requests will not be granted. Production must specify locations and filming dates & times.
- Sidewalk/Lane Closure and Parking Restiction requests are permitted through the City of San Antonio's Public Works Department. Learn more and apply for permits online here: Right of Way & Permits
- NOTE: Due to Final Four and Fiesta 2025, there is a moratorium of Downtown Street/ Lane Closures and associated Right-of-Way permit requests from March 28, 2025 - May 4, 2025.
- Landa Library and Gardens allows a maximum of three (3) hours for photo shoots. Please request 3 or less hours for photo shoots at this location. Photography inside of Landa Library is NOT allowed.
- All FAA procedures, policies and guidelines apply.
A Film/Photography permit is required for any drone film/photography activity that is over city-owned property, including streets and sidewalks. The applicaion should be submitted through FilmApp (this site) for review. All of the above requirements still apply.
Drones are not permitted over the Riverwalk.
For more information on drone use, please contact: Federal Aviation Administration - Southwest Region.
The following locations are not covered by the City of San Antonio Film Permit and need seperate approvals through the following contacts/forms:
- Alamo/Alamo Plaza | Film Permit Request
- Japanese Tea Gardens | Photo Permit Guidelines
- McNay Art Museum | Photography - McNay Art Museum
- Pearl Brewery | Photograph and Videography FAQ
- Main Plaza | Permits and Special Use – Main Plaza | Contact
- "San Antonio: The Saga" at Main Plaza | Contact Molly Hall-Harvey
- San Antonio Missions | Film and Photography Permits | Contact
- San Antonio Botanical Gardens | Photography Policy | Contact Eliana Rodriguez, Director of Marketing
- Click here for a video showing how to submit your permit application.
- E-MAIL us at
- Browse the Film Commission's Locations Database
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