Welcome to FilmApp Chamblee

To support the City of Chamblee’s rapidly expanding film industry, the City has streamlined the permitting process for film productions with the launch of our new online application software FilmApp Chamblee. In addition to streamlining the permitting process for film productions in the City of Chamblee, the City will also be responsible for the following:
  • Coordinating the issuance of permits for productions filming in the City of Chamblee
  • Facilitating communication between producers and city agencies
  • Minimizing potential inconveniences to local residents and businesses affected by film production
  • Partnering with the Georgia Film, Music & Digital Entertainment Office and other partners to market the City of Chamblee as a leading center for film, culture, and entertainment
  • Managing and promoting the initiatives of the City of Chamblee

NOTE: A film permit is NOT required for filming on public property for newsgathering purposes. This exemption includes the following: current news productions, including reporters, photographers or cameramen in the employment of a newspaper, news service, broadcasting station or similar entity engaged in the broadcasting of news events; productions conducted by the DeKalb School System or other government organizations; filming associated with any rallies, protests, and demonstrations taking place on public property without obtaining a filming permit. Please see the filming ordinance to your right for more information.

Before you get started, be sure to check the City's map to ensure production will occur within the city limits and review the checklist below for necessary guidelines and helpful information to have a successful film shoot in the City of Chamblee.  All of the supplementary forms you will need can be found to your right.

We know you have a choice to film anywhere, and we thank you for choosing the City of Chamblee as the location for your creative vision.

Best Wishes for a great shoot!
The City Of Chamblee City Hall:
3518 Broad Street, Chamblee, GA 30341
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Monday - Friday
Contact: ayoumans@chambleega.gov

Main: 770-986-5010

A film permit shall be submitted five (5) business days in advance of the proposed shoot date.  Applications or documents submitted after the close of business (5:00 PM EST) on any given day will not be counted as RECEIVED until the next business day. Ex. A traffic control plan submitted with an application on a Tuesday at 6:15 PM EST will be counted as received on Wednesday.  Any applications received fewer than five business days in advance of production may be assessed an additional fee. Additionally, if an application is submitted less than five business days in advance, the applicant may be asked to change the date to give more time for review or denied a permit for the requested day.  A fee schedule is available for download from the menu on the right. 

Film and Movie Permit Guidelines

Please review all guidelines before proceeding to the full application
These guidelines should be followed by an individual or company interested in film production or photography on property in the City of Chamblee. The guidelines are subject to change and may be enforced as stipulations of a film permit. All applicants should read and understand the City of Chamblee's film ordinance in full, which can be found in the list of useful documents to the right.
  1. Request permission from the City to use property for film production or photography at least 5 days in advance of production.
  2. Please complete the Film Application in full.
  3. If permission is granted by the City, a permit will be issued including time, date, and location of filming and acceptable activities within the scope of the permit.
  4. Use of private property requires written permission of the property owner.
  5. Permittees must provide all residents and businesses within a 500-foot radius of the film location written notice of the dates, times, and location addresses and production company contact at least 48 hours prior to the first film activity.
  6. If streets are to be blocked or traffic disrupted in any manner, police officers must be scheduled at a minimum of three hours per day for City of Chamblee officers. The cost is $65/hour. This arrangement can be made through the Chamblee Police Department at (770) 986-5005 and officers will be paid directly rather than through the application process.
  7. On-street parking of commercial vehicles and trailers is strictly prohibited.
  8. City parks and facilities may be rented when available, and are subject to fees. Contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (770) 986-5016.
  9. Upon receipt of permit the production company must provide a certificate of insurance naming the City of Chamblee as an additional insured. The City requires an insurance policy rider for general liability and worker's compensation for $1,000,000 of each occurrence and aggregate with endorsement naming the City of Chamblee as additional insured.
  10. The City shall require the production company to have a copy of the permit on site at all times.
  11. Upon completion of work, all materials and debris shall be entirely removed and the right-of-way left in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Public Works.
  12. Emergency vehicle access shall be maintained at all times.
  13. The City of Chamblee logo may not be included in the film without written permission from the City of Chamblee.

Filming at DeKalb Peachtree Airport (PDK):
PDK does not allow filming on runways and/or service roads.  Filming cannot interfere with operations of the airport and/or tenants in the immediate area when filming in a corporate hangar.
FBO’s (Terminal)—Scouts must submit a request to the FBO to film inside an FBO facility before completing a film permit application:
Atlantic Aviation - 770-454-5000                               
Epps Aviation - 770-458-9851
Signature Flight Support - 770-452-0010 and 

A Tech Scout must occur when filming at PDK. Please contact Hunter Hines, Deputy Director at 770-936-5445 (Office) @chhines@dekalbcountyga.gov to schedule a site visit. Filming at PDK will require two applications, one with DeKalb County and the other with the City of Chamblee. Blake Dodd is the point of contact for the City of Chamblee (bdodd@chambleega.gov).

DeKalb Fire Marshal Policy:

The DeKalb Fire-Rescue Department, Fire Marshal Office (FMO) handles all fire and life safety oversight for motion picture and television production studio sound stages, approved production facilities and production locations, and all commercial digital media production within DeKalb County, Georgia.   An FMO Preliminary site inspection is required for ALL film sets and should be coordinated with a minimum 24-hour advance notice to be performed during normal business hours.  In accordance with the DeKalb County Fire Rescue Department Fire Safety Officers & Fire Standby Personnel Policy, Production Location Policy and Approved Production Studio Facilities Policy, FMO inspectors tasked with the prevention and abatement of fire and life hazards will verify applicable tent separation, generator, and cooking equipment, as well as other applicable NFPA-140, NFPA-10, and IFC conditions and requirements (see attached policies for further clarification).  Regarding FMO Preliminary Site Inspection:  Upon scheduling, provide site supervisor contact information, ensure site supervisor/production representative will be on-site during inspection, and most importantly please ensure the site set-up is complete by inspection date.  Questions regarding life safety requirements, i.e. tents, canopies, storage, sprinklers, etc. should be directed to FMO Coordinator.


Based on the circumstances of the shoot, the applicant may be required to hire Fire Safety Officers (FSO) as determined by the FMO Chief, FMO Coordinator, or designated FMO representative.  The FSO shall have the jurisdictional authority to enforce DeKalb County ordinances as well as the State of Georgia and U.S fire code regulations. The FSO Flat Rate Fee is a minimum of $50 per hour with a four-hour minimum.  Any event lasting over four hours shall be charged an additional fee of $50 per hour.  Payment shall be made by the production company directly to the officer performing FSO duties.  Payment shall be made immediately after the completion of a work cycle or immediately after completion of “fire safety officer duties” as mutually determined by both parties.  If there is no notice of cancellation within 8 hours, FSO will be paid based on the minimum time requested at the rate of $200.  Any requests made within 8-hours of the shoot time will be assessed at a minimum of $100 per hour.   Please be advised that less than 8-hour requests are not guaranteed.  A permit will be denied if proper FSO coverage is not confirmed. The DeKalb County Fire Marshal’s Office Coordinator, Greg Spieks, can be reached at pgspieks@dekalbcountyga.gov. 404-687-8648


DeKalb Water Meter Rentals:

Fire hydrant meters can be rented by completing an online application, providing a copy of your film permit at 774 Jordan Lane, Decatur, GA 30033.  After completing the application process and paying the $600.00 deposit, a meter can be picked up and returned at 1580 Roadhaven Dr., Stone Mountain, GA 30083.  Please note that there is a $28 monthly rental charge and a required reporting of usage per month. Any questions concerning the hydrant rental program should submit inquiries to hydrantrental@dekalbcountyga.gov or call (404) 371-2677 or (404) 371-2697.  The fire hydrant meter rental application is available to your right.

GDOT Film Policy:

A permit is required for use of the right-of-way on all Georgia State Routes for film purposes. Permits are issued by the various District Traffic Operations Offices. If locations requested are in multiple Districts, a separate Permit must be issued for each District.  Please follow the link for more information.  http://www.dot.ga.gov/PS/Permits 
GDOT Contact:  Michelle Meeks, Metro Atlanta District 7 Traffic Specialist, 770-216-3894 
Email: mmeeks@dot.ga.gov

MARTA Film Policy & Application:
Be sure that all sidewalk, lane and road closures do not impede MARTA bus routes, bus stops or transit stations.  Visit http://www.itsmarta.com/Default.aspx for access to MARTA Transit maps and schedules. A signed license agreement is required to film any commercial photography, television shows, short features or any other film projects on MARTA Property. MARTA will approve or reject the filmmaker's request based on how the project will affect the normal transit service schedule.  Be aware that all film requests must be submitted at least 30 days before filming begins. Please follow the link for more information.  http://www.itsmarta.com/photography-and-film.aspx 
MARTA Contact:  Justin Wilson, Communications Specialist, 404-848-5792 Email: jwilson1@itsmarta.com 
The online credit card payment gateway accepts VISA, MASTER CARD and DISCOVER.