Welcome to FilmApp Stonecrest

We look forward to working with all of our entertainment professionals in the City of Stonecrest and Georgia; including hundreds of local actors, crew, and vendors.   

Thank you for choosing to work in Georgia and the City of Stonecrest.  

Georgia Film, TV COVID-19 Resources and Film Industry Best Practices



DeKalb County COVID-19 Response Home Page

For information on accessing county services, visit www.dekalbcountyga.gov or call 404-371-2000 or 311 from a landline Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

On behalf of the City of Stonecrest, we welcome the opportunity to work with you on all elements of your film production. In partnership with our local industry professionals, we aim to assist you from the moment you begin scouting locations to wrap and depart.  Stonecrest has exponentially grown its crew base with local talent trained by professionals who have a passion for filming in the southeast. We have developed an infrastructure for filming that will cater to your specific production.

The City of Stonecrest recognizes the important economic and social benefits of film, television, music, and video production in our community.  More so, the community recognizes the short and long-term impact that the growth of this sector will have on Greater Stonecrest.  As such, the City of Stonecrest will continue to liaise with provincial and federal government agencies in support of film production and incentives in the area.

The rights, safety, and privacy of the citizens and businesses are very important to our community and therefore the City of Stonecrest requires all film, television, and video production to be reported and coordinated with the City of Stonecrest Film Liaison.


The following guidelines apply to all film recording that takes place on public and private property within the City of Stonecrest except for current affairs, newscasts and personal recordings.  Additionally, we require that all projects that intend to film on private property requiring road closures, alter traffic patterns, or the urban landscape, including special effects or have a direct impact on the neighboring residents, occupants, or businesses complete an application.

For the purposes of this document, the “Applicant” is synonymous with “Production Company”, “Economic Development Corporation” which is synonymous with “City of Stonecrest Department of Economic Development ” and “Film Liaison” is synonymous with “City of Stonecrest Film Liaison.”

Municipal Support

The Film Liaison within the Economic Development Department provides assistance by:
  • Streamlining all necessary permits and approvals by working with other departments
  • Assisting with scouting for appropriate site locations
  • Facilitating arrangements for facilities
  • Accessing the local talent pool and logistics providers
  • Liaising with community partners and utilities

Key Contact

The production company should contact the Film Liaison as early in the location identification process as possible, in order to better serve and facilitate the project, including the permit application process.  Refer to the Application Process section below for lead time requirements.

Municipal Film Liaison Contact Information:
City of Stonecrest – Economic Development
3120 Stonecrest Blvd., Stonecrest, GA 30038
Phone: 770-224-0200
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Attn: Christian Green

Film Permits

Permits are required for location filming on rights of way, parkland or other property under the jurisdiction of the City of Stonecrest.  Applications for Location Permits to Film by the production company will be accepted by the Film Liaison via FilmApp and channeled through the necessary City departments for review.  The City Manager and/or designate has the authority to issue Permits.

All Applications for Location Permits to Film requesting approval for location filming within the City of Stonecrest should be submitted according to the lead time requirements below.  The following are the applicant’s responsibility and the information must be on file with the Film Liaison prior to filming

Required in all cases:
  • Completed Application for Location Permits to Film  
  • Certificate of insurance (Sec. 15.14.10) - Make the City of Stonecrest as the certificate holder: City of Stonecrest, 3120 Stonecrest Blvd, Stoncrest, GA. 30038
  • Shooting locations schedule (especially for FSO/A and pyrotechnics, smoke, fire, etc.)
  • Site Plan and Basecamp Plan (see examples under Useful Documents)
Required if applicable:
  • Municipal facilities requests and proof of payment (i.e. facility rental, building permits, road closures, etc.)
  • Parking plan map
  • MUTCD Traffic Control Plan
  • Notifications to residents/businesses 
  • Proof of Paid DeKalb County Duty Police Officer Security Plan
  • Proof of permission granted for right-of-way interruption  
Simple commercial filming on public property. Three business days
Parking suspensions and permissions including Road Closure Permits Five business days
Filming requiring traffic management (e.g.: intermittent traffic interruption with Paid Duty Officers present) Five business days
Filming in residential areas with enhanced notification Minimum of seven business days
Request for use of Municipal Facilities Ten business days
Noise By-law Exemptions Up to 15 business days
Complex filming where eight or more licenses, permits or exemptions are required for a given location, i.e.: multiple road and parking permissions, aerial filming, street furniture removal, street lighting control, stunts or use of special effects Up to thirty business days
In order to avoid unnecessary delays, an application should be submitted via FimApp as early as possible.