City of Arlington, Texas Commercial Film Application and Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in filming in The American Dream City – Arlington, Texas! The City of Arlington, Texas’ City Manager has delegated the authority to oversee and administer the filming application and approval process to the Director of the Communication and Legislative Affairs (CLA) Department and their designees.
Before submitting an application, please read the following information and an in-depth view of the City of Arlington’s Commercial Filming Guidelines.
Arlington Locations Database
Arlington Locations Database
Film Application Quick Facts:
- The City's Application for Commercial Filming is free! Please note that some permits issued with your filming requests require the payment of associated fees.
- Request must be submitted at least 10 business days before principal day of filming.
- All commercial filming productions are required to submit a Liability Waiver and Certificate of Insurance. Click here to view Insurance Requirements.
- City-wide or "blanket" application requests will not be granted. Production must specify locations and filming dates and times. If filming/photographing at multiple locations, each location must be listed as a sperate location in the application.
- Submit Application if commercial drone videography and photography is requested.
- All Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) procedures, policies, and guidelines apply
- All Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) procedures, policies, and guidelines apply
- Within the application, submit copies of Commercial Drone Pilot License, Certificate of Registration, Insurance AND Confirmation of FAA Airspace Approval
- At the conclusion of the film project, the production staff shall restore the property to its original or better condition before the start of production.
- Have Questions? Contact Us!
Apply for Permit
Please follow this link to begin your application